Saturday, January 4, 2014

New Year's Resolutions...Or Not?

Did you know that according to Forbes Magazine, only 8% of Americans claim they achieve their New Year's resolutions at the end of the year?

And apparently, only one-third of Americans even set resolutions at all.

With those odds, it's no wonder I hear people all around me say they're not bothering to make New Year's resolutions this year.

And I suppose I'm one of them.  I used to make New Year's resolutions.  I just love plotting out a shiny, new goal on paper and making a plan on how to achieve it.  But I'm afraid too often I fall into the 92% category of those who don't follow through with my beginning of the year intentions.  Which is why I have a different tactic that I use in lieu of resolutions.

I give each year a theme.  For instance, last year, going into 2013, I knew I was pregnant and I felt that my pregnancy was a true gift from God.  So, I declared 2013 to be "The Year of Good Gifts".  When I received a "good gift", I immediately associated it to the theme for the year.  It kept my focus on all of the positive, wonderful things happening in my life, even on the not-so-great days.

This year's theme is based on several verses from James.  The theme is "Count it All Joy".  Here are the verses:

"My brethern, count it all joy when you fall into various trials, knowing that the testing of your faith produces patience; but let patience have its perfect work, that you may be perfect and complete, lacking nothing."       -James 1:2-4

I'm always looking for ways to make my New Year's theme practical in my life, so this year I'm doing something I've never done before.  On each day's space in my 2014 planner, I am writing down one thing that brought me joy for that day.  Then at the end of the year, I will be able to look back on any given day and read about a joyful moment!  Already, I'm feeling more satisfied with my life and I've only done this for three days!  And I find myself looking for things that will bring me joy.

So, how about you?  Do you make New Year's resolutions?  If so, I do hope you fall into the 8% that keep them this year!

If you don't "resolve"to do anything this year, how about coming up with your own theme for 2014? If you already have one, please share, either in the comments below or on my facebook page! Looking forward to hearing from you!

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