Monday, July 29, 2013

Get Uncomfortable!

This coming Saturday, I will officially enter my ninth month of pregnancy!

I am here to say, I am uncomfortable!  For those of you who don't know me personally, picture a five foot nothing, petite woman carrying an extra twenty-five pounds, most of it in my stomach (or just see the picture below).  My doctor tells me my son is going to grow.  I look down at my already bulging belly and think "where?"  My son has already taken up space in my ribs where he loves to kick me at nighttime, just as I'm trying to wind down.

Ask my husband how many nights I've already spent tossing and turning, hour after hour.  About a week ago, he came home with some Tylenol PM and basically stated for the sake of our marriage, I needed to take it!  He's tired of not sleeping either.

The good news is that at the end of this period of being uncomfortable, shortly after I get really uncomfortable in labor and delivery, there will be a baby in my arms that makes all of the discomfort totally worth it.  Then the sleepless nights and the backaches and the constant visits to the bathroom won't seem all that bad because those uncomfortable things moved me toward something I really wanted in the first place.

If you think about it, being comfortable in life keeps us from changing what needs to be changed.  If something is working for you, even a little, it's way easier to go with the flow than to admit you could aim for something better if you went a different way.  Being comfortable sometimes keeps us from experiencing the growth we so desperately need.

Is there an area in your life that you know needs improvement, but feels too hard to change?  I bet there is one little step you can take to get yourself just slightly uncomfortable.  Try it.  Then, after you've kicked fear in the face or simply smacked it around a little, take another step outside the comfort zone.  Keep taking tiny tip-toe steps until you've gradually left the trail of Easy Street and begun to forge your own path. If you get uncomfortable, you know you're on the right track because you've become your own catalyst of change.

Being uncomfortable is not fun in the moment, but it always hints at something better to come around the corner!

(Here I am, at almost nine months pregnant, feeling uncomfortable.  But I know, he is all worth it!  Can't wait to meet my son very soon!)

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