Monday, July 15, 2013

Do You See It?

Happy Monday, everyone!

I hope everyone enjoyed a great weekend!  I spend it taking a childbirth class with my husband and learning what labor and delivery might be like when it happens for us, somewhere around six weeks from now.

I think the best part of the childbirth class was being able to tour the floor where my baby will make his introduction to the world.  I was able to visualize my first parenting experience a little easier after taking the class.

Which brings me to my topic of the day.  You have your goals that you are currently working on.  But can you see them being completed in your mind's eye?  It's not enough to just wish for something.   You have to see yourself actually doing or being that thing, often long before it happens in reality.

I realized that I had some goals in my head that I had yet to visualize actually happening.  So what I was really doing was sabotaging myself with my own doubt.  I read a devotion by Pastor Joel Osteen that reminded me  I have to see my dreams in faith if I ever want to see them in front of me.

What are some ways you and I can visualize ourselves achieving our goals?  We can surround ourselves with positive people who encourage us to do big things.  We can kick our negative thinking to the curb anytime it starts to rear its ugly head.  We can replace that thinking with positive affirmations that bring us closer to our goals.  We can acknowledge that fear is there and take a leap of faith anyway.  Fear usually gets out of the way after we jump, but rarely before!

What is your biggest goal right now?  Have you taken the time to see it happening?  If not, I hope you'll spend five or ten minutes today seeing yourself achieving great new things!

Have a little faith!

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