Friday, July 19, 2013

Why Use Deadlines?

When I first started this blog, I talked about the difference between dreams and goals.  Goals are simply dreams with legs on them.  That is, goals are not so vague as dreams, but are meant to be accomplished within a certain period of time.

For instance, maybe you have a dream of becoming a millionaire.  That's a wonderful dream to aspire to, but it's very undefined.  How will you know when you're successful?  Does "millionaire" mean one million to you or one hundred million?  Do you want to be thirty-five or sixty-five by the time it happens?

A goal helps you clearly define your ideas to change a dream into a series of measurable steps that will eventually get you where you want to be.

One of the easiest and surefire ways to measure your success towards a goal is by setting a deadline.  I know, I know, deadlines sound so final, but they really are so important in helping you progress towards success.  And they really aren't as final as they sound.  What happens if you don't make a self-imposed deadline?  Well, unless you're dead, you can always set a new deadline and start again, or rather continue on the journey you've already started.  And you are that much closer to meeting your goal.

Deadlines give us the kick in the butt that we need to take action!  It's a little harder to lounge on the couch eating potato chips if you have a looming deadline for your first half-marathon coming up in a month, right?

Last week, I told you that my most pressing goal of the summer is to finish editing my eBook and self-publish.  I have a natural deadline built in to have this completed by the time my son is born in a month or so.  Let me tell you, since posting that goal and deadline, I have been working on my book!  In fact, I am editing the last chapter tomorrow!  In this case, having a deadline and staying accountable to my blogging community is really helping me get closer to seeing this goal come to pass.

Do you have a goal with an undefined deadline?  Why not take a moment and pull out your calendar and set a "finish line"?  Then you can work backwards from the completed goal to where to are right this moment and outline a series of steps to get you there.  I promise, if you miss your deadline, no one will be waiting to slap your hand.  But you will probably be a lot closer to achieving your goal than before when you had no defined "end time".

We're all in this together!  Keep setting those goals, ladies!

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