Monday, August 19, 2013

Almost to the Finish Line

As of this week, I am 38 weeks pregnant and considered for all intents and purposes, full-term.  Won't you be glad when I have this baby and can stop talking about pregnancy?  It's just that I have found so many parallels from pregnancy to other aspects of life, such as goal-setting.  One of which I would like to share with you today.

You might say that I am 90-95% done with being pregnant.  Now that's a ridiculous statement, because the only time I can quit being pregnant is once my body is no longer carrying a child.  But I have basically made it through that much of the pregnancy process.  After having several days of feeling like nothing is happening in regard to the birthing process, I'm ready to be done!  Obviously, there's only one way this can end and that's in my giving birth to my son, but if I could quit now, I might consider it! Thankfully, that's not an option.  I will be glad when I have reached the 100% mark and can see, smell, hear, and hold the literal fruit of my labor!

So often with my goals, I start out strong.  I am determined and ready to see them through to completion.  I race through the 20% and 30% marks, making great learning gains along the way as I pick up momentum.  I soar through the half-way point and realize that I'm half-way done!  75% comes and goes.  Then 80%...Then 85%... Then I reach 90%.  And this is where my struggle often begins.

As opposed to realizing that I'm so much closer to the 100% mark than anywhere else, my enthusiasm begins to wane.  Maybe another project is vying for my attention or I'm just plain tired.  In any case, I have noticed that when it comes to my goals, I have no problem seeing them through to about 90%.  And then I just quit.  Sometimes for months; oftentimes for years.

Just because I can see the finish line up ahead doesn't mean I've passed it.  I have to ask myself how many rewards I've missed out on simply because I quit at the 90% mark.  10% is not that far!  Even if I have to grit my teeth, suck in my stomach, and claw my way to the quitting point, the end goal is worth taking the time to complete it.

Do you have any goals that you set for yourself that are this close to completion, but you're feeling the strong urge to quit?  Maybe you've lost 40 pounds, but have 5 more to go.  Maybe you've set a business sales goal that you've come 90% of the way to meeting.  This is the point where it's easiest to give in.  You might think, "Ninety percent is good enough.  Look how far I've come!"  And you would be correct.  But how amazing would it feel to cross the finish line?  To be able to say, "I did it"?

Today my challenge to you is to stay the course.  If you are almost finished with any small or big goal, do whatever you have to do to make it to the 100% mark. Even if that means telling your inner critic that "good enough" is not good enough for you.  

In being pregnant, I've reflected a lot lately on the legacy that I want to leave.  I want my son to know that his mom was and is a woman who finishes what she starts-- each time, every time.

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